How to submit TEST data through THA RDDS

The process to submit TEST data through THA RDDS is different from the process used in the past when test data was submitted through HIDI. Please be sure to follow the steps below when submitting TEST data through THA RDDS.

  1. Using RDDS, all TEST files should use discharge records that have not yet been submitted. TEST records should have discharge dates later than records already on RDDS for your hospital. In other words, if you have already submitted Q2 data for your hospital and it is within the fatal error threshold (no more than 2%), any TEST data should be for Q3 or later, or even a smaller submission that includes data for one month, (i.e., July data) would be acceptable to submit as a TEST file.
  2. Once the TEST file has processed and you have checked it to make sure the change you were making is working properly, you MUST DELETE the Batch (by number) that RDDS assigned to the TEST file when it was submitted.
  3. It is also recommended that THA HIN staff be notified in advance if you plan to submit TEST data so we can be aware and communicate this if necessary with the processing system..

Please contact Larissa Lee if you have any questions or need assistance.